Sleep Talkers SEND

For: Professionals

Those supporting children and young people with SEND

Duration: 75 minutes

Cost: £45/license includes 12 month membership

Discounts are available for group licences. Please contact a member of our team for more information on these discounts.


Sleep Talkers is a National Lottery-funded initiative building a network of well-trained volunteers nationwide so that everyone can sleep better

This train-the-trainer package is aimed at professionals, working to upskill volunteers, to support children and young people with SEND and sleep issues.  Sleep Talkers are trained volunteers in the community who will recognise sleep problems and offer hints and tips on achieving a better night’s sleep.

The training includes the knowledge and skills to facilitate a bespoke four hours pre-written training package to your volunteers and professionals within your organisation. Included is a 12 month membership for continued access to the course and 2 CPD webinars, plus all your resources in one place.